25 Jul 2011
Photos and impressions
23 Jul 2011
21 Jul 2011
Road signs etc.
Transfer buses will wait you at Cesis bus/railway station. Look around for our sign-board. Departure times from Cesis - 13:20, 15:20, 20:20
You will find Competition Centre next to Riga-Pskov motorway (on the right, if going from Riga) close to bus station Kiegelceplis. Follow our road signs!
Автобусы в Центр соревнований отходят в 13:20, 15:20, 20:20 из автобусно-железнодорожного вокзала. Смотрите вокруг за нашей табличкой.
Центр соревнований находится у шоссе Рига-Псков, на правой стороне, если ехать из Риги. Следите а нашими знаками. |
21 Jul 2011
"Bread along the way" from Course Master
Residents and property.
Respect local people and their property. Most of the land and the forests are privately owned, regardless of their intensity of use. Most of the farmsteads of the local population are informed about the competition. Be friendly, greeting with a wave of your hand, smile, be the best diplomacy from afar. Any kind of waste, dropped wherever it happens, is unacceptable! You can leave any waste at the water stations!
There are few pastures and livestock in the competition area. Most of these pastures are equipped with electric fence: a wire at a height about 80 cm above the ground, easy crossable over or beneath. Be not afraid of livestock, they are not aggressive, but curious!
Some locations on the map are marked as agricultural fields. If they are mowed and cleanup, you can use them for movement, without any worries.
Domestic dogs, whether tethered or free, are farmstead guards. By entering this area you expose yourself at risk! If you meet local dogs, behave naturally, continue the way forward at the same time tracking hazard with eyes.
Most streams are small and easily crossed. The difficulties are in areas, where the landscape is changed by beavers. If you find the flooded site, find the nearest beaver dam, where you can cross almost dry-shoed. Artificial ditches in most cases are with a strong foundation for crossing. Before you do that, make sure and check the depth with a stick. Dangerous sites are water courses at swampy areas, where the depth is dangerous, and beaver made holes along some water courses! Some valid water crossing locations (footbridges and beaver dams) are marked with a black line across the water stream.
You will have more than 2 hours for planning, be smart, there are many choices! There are at least four different movement directions already at the start. Shape "8" - an additional reason for success!?
All seventy nine CP areas are highlighted in nature and after SI station placement will be ready to welcome rogainers. All CPs are evenly distributed over competition area. Point value is granted to CP, depending on the distance from roads and accessibility. If it happens and you have reached some of 80-100, a great job will be done! Each CP site is marked with a triangular white-red prism with reflector. Prism is located at eye level, except in places where there are no trees at all and prism may be lower then usually. In case if you are in the right place and there is no usual marking, locate the tape around the tree in close vicinity, bearing the CP code: letter and number combination. Memorize, or write down, or else, as a proof of the CP site visiting!
Be attentive map readers! The map is generalized according to scale, such as terrain and waters. However, there are details that reflect area very certain: green stripes - overgrown areas, especially yellow fields - open, semi-open places and clearings. Forest paths are uncertain and disappeared, clearing paths are visible and partially usefull. Some animal paths, especially along the water courses, are usefull for movement. Wherever you move, be friendly with your compass, especially at night!
If organizers told something - must have - be sure this is not a joke!
Never lost eye contact with team members! Protect your team members as well as yourself! Rogaining is the teamwork!
Sincerely yours
Valters Kaminskis ERC2011 course master |
21 Jul 2011
Timetable (Final Edition)
Friday, July 22, 2011 12:00 Camping and parking at the event centre opens 16:00 Registration and catering begins - dinner-supper. 19:00 ERC 2011 BRIEFING: questions and answers about race LIVE! 20:00 ERC 2011 OPENING CEREMONY and entertaiment. 22:00 Sleeping and relax
Saturday, July 23, 2011 07:00 Registration continues, SI cards attaching, catering begins - breakfast. 09:30 Maps hand-out 11:00 SI cards attached 11:15 Check-in at start area begins 11:45 Check-in at start area closes 12:00 START 16:00 Catering at the hash- house for 24h begins 18:00 Finish of 6 hour event 18:00 Catering for 6h at the hash house 19:00 Prize - giving ceremony for 6h 21:56 Sunset 22:49 The end of civil twilight 23:40 Moonrise (3Q)
Sunday, July 24, 2011 04:12 The beginning of civil twilight 05:05 Sunrise 12:00 FINISH 14:00 Catering at the hash house closes 14:00 (optional 13:30) Prize-giving and ERC 2011 CLOSING CEREMONY
Monday, July 25, 2011 10:00 Camping at the hash house closes |
20 Jul 2011
Registration at competition centre will open on Friday, 16:00, and with some breaks will continue until Saturday, 11:00. Welcome!
If your team information, composition, etc. will change shortly before competition, please, arrive to registration desk as early as possible. We cannot guarantee you to perform registration procedure instantly - time, which it takes, depends on story, what you will tell us at the desk. Thank you for cooperation!
Ja jūsu komandas informācija, sastāvs, uc., ir mainījies īsi pirms sacensībām, lūdzu, ierodieties uz reģistrāciju pēc iespējas ātrāk. Mēs nevaram garantēt, ka reģistrēšanas procedūra notiks acumirklīgi - laiks, kas tai ir vajadzīgs, atkarīgs no stāsta, ko jūs mums pavēstīsiet reģistrējoties. Paldies par sapratni!
Короче, если в вашей команде есть какие либо изменения - не откладывайте регистрацию на последний момент. Спасибо! |
20 Jul 2011
For fun - 6 hours
Rogaining "for fun" will be held as 6 hours competition. Some votes were for 8 hours, but there were also votes for 6 hours. We are staying on initially announced duration. Have fun! |
19 Jul 2011
Competition centre
Map of Competition centre added to Event info.

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